A Steam Deck Everywhere

Using gamescope headless to run steam on a non-logged in system.

Background to Remote Gaming

Remote gaming is something everyone with a beefy desktop wants to do.

The problem is, the current state of Remote Gaming for Linux & Windows is kinda cruddy.

You need to be, first, logged in, second, steam running, thirdly, this all occurring in a secure area so no one can just plop down on your desktop while you are away.

No more, No longer.

Personal Motive

As I approach my big move out of my parents home, I have to leave my chunky desktop behind until I am more settled in my new location.

But I am an addict to playing War Thunder, I admit, It is my relaxation game.

I already know how to run my IDEs remotely, and there is few issues for me in regards to using a remote development system.

But gaming is something I cannot do remotely.



As much as I adore the project, it is kinda janky in my opinion.

Also, it violates the requirement to not be logged-in in person.

Another cloud gaming service

They still exist?


gamescope headless!

Here is the script that will make it work for you.



# Below is an extensive explanation of the commands below.

# Launch the given program with dbus, since steam and other programs need it.

# The given program, is gamescope.

# Explanation for the arguments to gamescope
# --backend headless : Headless! This allows `gamescope` to work without a display
# -e : enables steam integration, Needed for steam to work well as expected.
# -o 1 : Sets the minimum FPS to 1 when unfocused. Though may be useless since gamescope is headless
# -r 60 : Sets the maximum FPS to 60, We are streaming, no need to waste power here.
# -f : Sets to "full screen", may be useless for headless.
# -W 1920 : Sets the output width to 1920 pixels, Required for the headless screen to work well.
# -H 1080 : Sets the output height to 1080 pixels, Required the same as for width.
# --prefer-vk-device /dev/dri/renderD129 : This is important for modern systems with multiple GPUs, simply tells vulkan clients to use the correct GPU.
## Use `ls -l /dev/dri/by-path/` and `lshw -c display` to figure out which path is which GPU. (lshw (bus number) should look like the `by-path` identifier).
# --force-grab-cursor : Since some games are funky with the cursor, though may not be needed when headless

# Explanation for the arguments to steam
# -gamepadui : Enables the "gamepad ui", since this will work far better then the clunky desktop UI for remote play. (Also something gamescope something something).
# "$@" : Passes any script arguments onto steam

dbus-launch \
	gamescope --backend headless -e -o 1 -r 60 -f -W 1920 -H 1080 --prefer-vk-device /dev/dri/renderD129 --force-grab-cursor -- \
	steam -gamepadui  "$@"



  1. Install Steam Link on your devices
  2. Run Steam normally on your desktop.
  3. Pair your devices together.

Script time

  1. Save the script above to a file (preferably with the same name) and give it execution permissions.
  2. Log off the system.
  3. SSH into your system.
  4. Run the script.
  5. See the console go “brr”.
  6. Open Steam Link, and connect
  7. Notice you now have a steam deck UI on your other device, and your system is not logged in!
  8. Happy time!

