
My Personal Blog for all code stuffs

Today I installed Fedora Silverblue on my friends Intel laptop.

Previously, it was running Windows 11 on 4GB of ram, which is totally unacceptable.

During the install, I rebooted into “Safe Graphics” because the installer blacked out when selecting options prior.

Afterwards, the installation finished without a hitch. Until we noticed the GNOME Shell lagging in animations. Checking Settings, we found that the Graphics was rendering via “Software Renderer”.

Running sudo rpm-ostree kargs we find that nomodeset is in the Kernel Arguments.

The Kernel documentation states that nomodeset:

Disable kernel modesetting. DRM drivers will not perform display-mode changes or accelerated rendering. Only the system framebuffer will be available for use if this was set-up by the firmware or boot loader.

This means that the GPU would not be used.

To solve this issue, I had my friend run: sudo rpm-ostree kargs --delete nomodeset Which removes the offending Kernel Argument.

After a reboot, the System was now using “Intel UHD” and was butter smooth!

I would have appreciated it if the Fedora Installer warned the user that the installed system would also inherit nomodeset.

Hope this helps you!

Look at you friend, you now have IPv6 in your location and have enabled it on your router! Yippie!

Note one small detail though. IPv6 by default is dynamic. Make sure that you disable DHCP-PD in your router settings!

Why do I know this now? Because my IPv6 changed and borked my Tor relay!

MariaDB stores data in /var/lib/mysql, not /var/lib/mysql/data.

So my container data was all lost.

Honestly no clue how I came to believing the wrong directory was the data directory.